Three Colored Squares

Pale Blue is featured in Acid Stag!

23 Nov 2021 - andrey ozornin

Famous australian electronic music magazine Acid Stag included my latest single “Pale Blue” in their Sunday Chills series

Sunday is the day for chilling and our Sunday Chills series is here to soundtrack those gloriously chilled Sunday moments; whether that’s enjoying a good sleep-in, lazing about on the couch, hanging out in the yard soaking-up some good old vitamin D or just simply doing nothing at all!

and to Acid Stag Radio playlist:

Acid Stag Radio is our weekly Spotify (and Apple Music) playlist where we showcase all of the great new tunes that we’ve featured on the site over the last seven days, delivering a diverse and very awesome collection of new music to help kick-off your week!

Glad to deserve their attention!